
Architecture should constantly reinvent itself and have something to offer future users.

Skizze eines Holzbaus welcher Brückenähnlich in die Landschaft ragt. Im vorderen Teil steht er auf Stützen. An der Stirnseite befindet sich ein großes Fenster. In auf und unter dem Komplex sind menschen dargestellt. Die Skizze ist leicht koloriert.

We are an architectural office located in Berlin-Köpenick. In our office space we plan and realize contemporary and bold architecture.

One focus is on individual and aesthetic timber construction. Another is the revitalization and recreation of buildings and districts.

People are at the center of our architectural design. As social beings, they are integrated in a functioning community. According to our vision, architecture has the responsibility to develop new living concepts. In order to meet the needs of future users, we work on an equal footing and with participation.

rooftop extension and housing addition

A rooftop extension or addition to a building is usually needed for people whose lifestyles have changed and who want to expand their living space.

Many urban apartment buildings also offer the potential of roof extensions, which create additional living space. We advise on projects for extensions or additions, consider site-specific and building law conditions, develop the design and guide you through the construction process..

Skizze einer Aufstockung eines Wohngebäudes. Die Dachaufstockung ist aus Holzbauweise skizziert und hat ein Flachdach. Dieser Teil des Gebäudes ist in leichtem Grün hinterlegt, der Rest ist schwarz-weiß.


The conversion or revitalization of buildings and neighborhoods show various possibilities for adapting an existing building to changing needs and ideas.

In addition, we develop conversion concepts for you and submit legal building applications.

In addition, we develop concepts for conversion and submit legal building applications.

In addition, we develop concepts for conversion and submit legal building applications.
Besides the building’s substance, history and character, also its long-term value is preserved or even enhanced. This is a main focus of our work and requires special planning knowledge, especially for protected buildings.

historically preserved buildings

The conversion of historically preserved buildings or neighborhoods is carried out taking into account the historical, artistic and other significance as a cultural heritage.

Old materials and detailed replicas are used as much as modern elements that are integrated into the existing building and thereby add another dimension to it.

The revitalization of listed buildings requires a careful approach, many consultations and technical knowledge. Due to the higher requirements, there are many state-specific subsidies for the preservation of architectural monuments.

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Short version of our documentary film about the revitalization and recreation of the former “Infanterieschule Wünsdorf”. You can find the long version on the project page in german language.

INFA quartier
Skizzenhafte Perspektive Heinrich-Heine-Ring. Gebäude in schwarz-weiß dargestellt mit gezackter Fassade und Balkone. Im Vordergrund belebter Innenhof. Dort sind skizzenhaft Tiere und Menschen dargestellt die sich im Garten aufhalten.

new construction

A new construction is based on the desire for space that meets the individual needs and takes special features into account.

An individually planned house functions as a unique place of well-being. It is our ambition to put ourselves in the shoes of the future users. To listen to and understand their needs, to plan freely with their support, and thus to create places that are adapted to everyday life of the future users.

sustainable architecture

When we plan in existing contexts or design new buildings, we focus on ecological and healthy materials and do not use resource-consuming technology.

Preserving a building is preferable to constructing a new one. In terms of sustainability, it is per se resource-saving and climate-friendly.

Timber is our preferred building and insulation material. We focus on long-lasting buildings and need-oriented planning and social commitment.

Skizze verschiedener Icons zu den Themen Holzbau und Nachhaltigkeit. Im Hintergrund ist ein salbei-grünes Rechteck.


cubus plan gmbh
kirchstraße 2
12555 berlin

tel. 030 53 60 62 17

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